Proof Causal.AI™ is the only GTM Effectiveness Software Certified by MASB


Proof for
GTM Pros

Difficult questions. Justification of your budget. Learn how Proof helps you plan, execute, and optimize all in one interface, and then demonstrate the business impact of your GTM investments.

Proof for
Finance Teams

You need greater certainty, but the marketplace lacks that. Our advanced analytic capabilities can provide accurate analysis of business impact and forecast future results, all in one platform.

Proof for
Business Teams

Do you need to simplify the complexity of budget priorities in a seemingly complex environment? See how we can help you finally realize forecasts and measurable business impact you can believe in. 

Planning and Budgeting:
A Massive Revolution in 2024
Are you struggling to justify every dollar in a shrinking budget?

Do you feel the sting of frustration when your finance team tells you that your metrics tell only half the story, leaving your strategy vulnerable to cuts?

Ignoring these new realities won't make the issue go away. 
The New Business Mandate:
Proven Effectiveness, then Efficiency
Teams face a clear business directive: prove their Effectiveness, then their Efficiency, before asking for more money. But it's not just about stretching the dollar; it's about making it pay off. Finance needs to see a picture of the causal impact that connects your spend to business outcomes, not just other GTM activity and sourcing metrics.
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Clarify Your Importance With Proof Analytics
Proof Analytics changes the equation for functional teams. The math isn't new, but the speed, scalability, understandability, and actionability is. Proof Causal.AI is a SaaS platform that enables you to understand what matters so you can exceed expectations. In an analytics-led approach that your finance team will understand, you can run real-time cause-and-effect scenarios, provide accurate forecasting well into the future, and run optimization models to show, prove, and improve the business impact your organization needs to win!
Thought you'd never ask...

Proof Analytics is an "eye in the sky" that connects Business Strategy, Operations, and Tactics across the business. Not just about better plans with greater accountability and efficiency. Proof gives your front-line teams more creative authority to solve a problem the right way in their part of the business, all while staying aligned to strategic goals and imperatives.  
Use Case: Proof enables GTM teams to operate with proven effectiveness, efficiency, and scalability.

Complete Solution: Proof campaign management and causal analytics deliver a closed-loop, always-on cycle of planning, execution, and optimization.

Predictive Modeling: Advanced predictive models navigate the asynchronous effects of B2B marketing tactics, allowing for better anticipation of customer behaviors and market trends.

Tailored Analytics: Integrate complex B2B marketing variables, such as extended sales cycles and disparate channel impacts, for granular analysis and strategic planning.

Unparalleled Measurement and optimization: Advanced analytics determine causal links between investments and outcomes, granular forecasting, scenario modeling, and the ability for you to illuminate the value path for your efforts in a way that your finance team will appreciate.

Adaptability to Externalities: Enable B2B marketers to swiftly adjust strategies in response to economic downturns or competitor actions, ensuring that GTM spend is justified and optimized sales outcomes.


Native Integrations: Built natively on Salesforce and AWS and connected to all Salesforce Cloud offerings, our clients also connect the marketing automation platforms and enjoy using Slack for collaboration.


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Bill Schmarzo
DELL Chief Evangelist, Data & Analytics
Proof Analytics is doing soooo much right in giving customers a platform that leverages data + analytics to drive business and operational outcomes at the speed of the business. Outcomes, not outputs!”
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Experts Trust Proof

Cathy Lanning 1-1
“Today’s challenging market conditions mean that Accountability, Transparency and Proof of Impact have never been more important for marketing teams. Proof MRM on Salesforce is the only marketing resource management tool built natively on Lightning and available through the AppExchange, delivering full-power functionality plus fast set up, all at a price that fits comfortably into today’s budget realities. What’s more, Proof has integrated its award-winning, automated Marketing Mix Modeling analytics into the platform. Proof MRM on Salesforce is the crucial piece for modern marketing teams.”   
Cathy Lanning
Managing Director, Salesforce Industry Business Consulting
Person 4

“Proof has delivered a powerful suite of self-serve MRM and MMM analytics that enable full-scale campaign planning, budgeting, digital asset management, collaboration, compliance and approvals, and Marketing Mix Modeling — all on the Salesforce platform and all at a price that makes it impossible for marketing teams to not say Yes to.”

Donovan Neale-May
Executive Director of the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council and Business Performance Innovation Network
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“Marketing consumes a lot of a company's cash. In B2B, it can take months to see a return. Marketers have a real responsibility to every other part of the business who also wanted that budget money; not just to make it count but to prove that they made it count.”

Julie Brown
Global Director of Business Transformation
Person 6

“For years, marketers and business leaders have struggled to work as #OneTeam. It’s one of the longest-lasting feuds in the business world. Proof MRM on Salesforce solves this longstanding problem by delivering a best-in-class MRM platform native on Salesforce, coupled with accurate, easily understood Marketing Mix Modeling analytics.”

Sangram Vajre
Best-selling author, B2B CMO, ABM Leader
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“Proof Analytics combines rapid data integration, advanced pattern recognition, and automated analytics to help business and functional teams know what to invest in, how much to invest, and what the business impact is – even in long-cycle situations. Proof delivers real accountability and transparency while showing very clearly how marketing and communications are jet engines of growth.”  
Kelli Parsons
Global Chair, Corporate Affairs and Advisory, Hill & Knowlton / WPP
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Trusted to Manage + Optimize Billions in Marketing Spend


Performance You Can Afford!

Proof GTM Manager™ on Salesforce

  • Native on Salesforce
  • Easy & Transparent Planning, Budgeting, Asset Management, Compliance, Approvals
  • Full Integration with Proof Causal.AI
  • $29 (SMB)-$49 (Enterprise) per seat per month in annual contract

Proof Causal.AI™ on AWS

  • The Only Causal Analytics that Updates at the Speed of Your Business
  • Run "What if" Wargame Scenarios + Get Clear Visualizations
  • Get Started: $7,500 annually for 5 models
  • Mid-Range: $15,000 for annual unlimited SaaS contract
  • Enterprise: 1/4 of 1 percent of annual spend under causal analysis, unlimited modeling