Proof + Salesforce bring you the Marketing Campaign Planning solution you've been asking for.

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Trusted to Manage + Optimize Billions in Marketing Spend

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Listen to top marketers talk about why Proof is so important

Nick Robinson
Nick Robinson
Head of Demand Americas
Erica Brinker
Erica Brinker
Chief Commercial Officer
Julie Brown 3
Julie Brown
SVP Global Change Management
Hanns Schempp
Hanns Schempp
Head of B2B Marketing
Brent Diggins
Brent Diggins
Global Managing Partner, Performance & Intelligence
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Reagan Tully
Chief Marketing Officer

Marketing Campaign Planning

5 min

Marketing campaign planning is crucial to the success of marketing programs. Without it, campaigns can result in budget overruns and missed deadlines. Perhaps most worryingly, ill-managed campaigns often fail to reach the market in a timely fashion, resulting in lost opportunities and revenue loss. For this reason, more and more companies are turning to marketing campaign planning software for help. This software enables marketing teams to gain deeper insights into the marketing process, collaborate with others, and re-strategize as needed to obtain better results in the future. Essentially, marketing software helps businesses stay organized and keep track of all marketing-related activities so that they can more effectively plan campaigns.

When considering marketing planning, it’s essential to account for your specific business needs and goals. For example, what type of marketing are you doing? What does your target audience look like, and what do they respond best to? To what extent do you plan on utilizing automation? Outlining your objectives ahead of time can help ensure that you find the right tools and solutions for your business, which is critical to achieving your overall marketing goals. With the right campaign planning tools, you can be well on your way to planning and executing effective marketing campaigns.

The campaign planning process can be greatly enhanced with marketing resource management (MRM) software like Proof’s MRM. Proof MRM on Salesforce is the only marketing resource management software that’s native to Salesforce and provides automatic data synchronization capabilities with all Salesforce clouds. The platform also offers data management, financial reporting, digital asset management, and more, providing users with a full suite of tools to effectively plan and execute their marketing strategies. With Proof, you can manage your campaigns more effectively and achieve your desired results with the least amount of effort.

Importance of Campaign Planning

The importance of campaign planning cannot be overstated. By failing to adequately plan their marketing campaigns, teams may miss out on critical opportunities and stall revenue growth. To get started with your campaign planning process, you need to develop a strategy. Creating a marketing campaign strategy is the first step in the process and lays the foundation for all activities to come. Consider your marketing goals and ultimate business aims and how you could best reach those objectives. You might create a digital campaign presentation, which helps marketers visualize the schedule and status of the campaign.

While there are still many moving components that must be accounted for through the duration of the campaign, things start to really fall into place once you’ve developed a solid strategy. You can then determine how to best expand on that strategy and get from point A to point B. You might assign different roles to different members of your marketing team, allowing each person to utilize their strengths to achieve maximum results. Taking the time to develop an effective campaign strategy can pay off in the long run as you get ready to actually carry out your campaign. 

Campaign planning software can help simplify this process even further, enabling you to take full advantage of the tools and resources at your disposal, allocate your budget, and streamline your activities to keep everyone on the same page. Companies that use planning software save time and get through their workflows quicker so that they can focus their energy on more critical business operations. Rather than jumping headfirst into a marketing campaign, you should outline your process and determine the best steps to take to achieve your marketing goals, and campaign planning software enables you to do just that.

Marketing Campaign Planning Template

A marketing campaign template is a predefined checklist or guide that helps marketers outline marketing plan steps. Marketing campaign templates include all aspects of campaigning and so will provide a social media marketing plan template, among other things. With a marketing campaign planning template, you can more easily visualize each step of the process, seeing how different activities affect others. A template can serve as a great starting point for planning your marketing campaign, especially if you’re new to the process and lack experience planning and executing successful campaigns.

Using a marketing campaign planning template, you can outline your process, tailoring different steps and activities to your specific business needs and goals. Templates can be extremely useful in helping companies get started with the campaign planning process, but it’s ultimately up to you to decide how to customize them to fit your business needs. 

You can work with your marketing team to decide which parts of the template to follow and how to incorporate recommended steps into your wider marketing strategy—you can likewise determine which steps or advice to disregard. The great thing about using a template is that you can make it entirely your own, even though it comes with a predefined outline.

Viewing a marketing campaign plan example is another good way to learn more about marketing campaigns and how to best plan your process for maximum results. Seeing what has worked for other businesses—and what hasn’t—is key to uncovering the best route to success. By learning from others and avoiding their mistakes, you can create a more efficient strategy. This can not only result in greater marketing success but also increased revenue across the board. Using a template can help you get started on the right track and ensure continuity down the line.

Marketing Campaign Strategy

Your marketing campaign strategy should define the goals and objectives of the campaign, as well as the tactics required for execution. Different approaches are ideal for different types of marketing, so it’s essential to identify the kind of marketing campaign you’re aiming for and how you can best utilize the tools at your disposal to cater to different types of audiences. A digital marketing campaign strategy, for instance, focuses exclusively on digital environments such as social media. For these, marketers use tools that are specifically designed to reach audiences on social media platforms.

If you need help brainstorming ideas, you might consider using a marketing campaign strategy template. This is a framework for defining and documenting your marketing campaign strategy and can help you stay organized throughout the process. Templates can inspire ideas and help you create a solid framework or structure for your marketing strategy, leveraging proven tactics for success. You might also view a marketing campaign strategy example to see what an effective strategy looks like in practice. Take note of the tactics that were used successfully and which ones failed to yield results. This can better enable you to implement effective techniques into your own strategy.

When developing a marketing campaign strategy, it’s important to involve your entire marketing team. Marketing campaign software can help keep everyone aligned on common goals. It often includes helpful dashboards so that users can get a big-picture look at the progress of campaigns. Marketers can collaborate within the software, working together to revise strategies as needed and carefully monitoring the success of those strategies over time. Marketing campaign planning software offers the perfect platform for teams to come together, unite around a common goal, and work to improve campaign performance.

Marketing Campaign Ideas

Marketing campaign ideas should be both customer-focused and customer-oriented, reflecting the needs and interests of those you are trying to reach. They should meet the customer at the right place and time using targeted messaging. For example, if your audience is composed of young social media users, you should consider strategies that are specifically designed for social media. You might create Instagram polls, TikTok videos, or other forms of social media content to reach customers most effectively. 

The most successful marketing campaign examples demonstrate the importance of tailoring your content and messaging to your target audience. These are viral campaigns that people can easily share and that they want to share. Viewing examples by others is a great way to see what has worked for businesses in the past. Seeing what tools they used and how they leveraged their content can be extremely informative and equip you with the tools you need to plan and execute a successful campaign of your own. You might likewise view examples of campaigns that failed to yield desired outcomes. Determine what went wrong and decide whether or not following those same techniques could similarly spell disaster for your marketing program.

Good marketing campaigns tell effective stories. They paint a clear picture of what each business does and how their products or services are relevant to each target audience. While planning and carrying out a solid marketing campaign can be challenging, to say the least, there are a myriad of tools and tactics that you can use to simplify the process. 

Chief among these is marketing campaign planning software. Platforms like Proof offer all-in-one MRM software so that users can quickly and easily find the resources they need in a single location. This eliminates the need to jump between disparate systems. Trying to access and make use of siloed data can be tricky, but campaign planning software helps break down barriers and centralize marketing tools so that users can get started creating effective, hassle-free campaigns.


  • Control the planning process with the only MRM native on Salesforce
  • Achieve and prove your ROI with continuous progress reporting
  • Speed up your sales process by collaborating in automated workflows
  • Get full transparency of budget and asset approvals for a fraction of the cost
Person 1

“No other analytics software delivers the easy affordability, scalable accuracy, perpetual updates & intuitive ease of understanding that Proof gives analysts, marketers & business leaders. We see Proof as the missing piece.” 

Senior Director of Product Management Partner Ecosystem
Person 2

“Proof MRM on Salesforce™ has completely changed the game for marketers.”

Person 3

“The value of data is only realized when you apply analytics to uncover the insights that improve your effectiveness. Proof is a gamechanger in this respect.”

DELL Chief Evangelist, Data & Analytics
Person 4

“Proof has delivered a powerful suite of self-serve MRM and MMM analytics that enable full-scale campaign planning, budgeting, digital asset management, collaboration, compliance and approvals, and Marketing Mix Modeling — all on the Salesforce platform and all at a price that makes it impossible for marketing teams to not say Yes to.”

Donovan Neale-May
Executive Director of the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council and Business Performance Innovation Network
Person 5

“Marketing consumes a lot of a company's cash. In B2B, it can take months to see a return. Marketers have a real responsibility to every other part of the business who also wanted that budget money; not just to make it count but to prove that they made it count.”

Global Director of Business Transformation
Person 6

“For years, marketers and business leaders have struggled to work as #OneTeam. It’s one of the longest-lasting feuds in the business world. Proof MRM on Salesforce solves this longstanding problem by delivering a best-in-class MRM platform native on Salesforce, coupled with accurate, easily understood Marketing Mix Modeling analytics.”

Sangram Vajre
Best-selling author, B2B CMO, ABM Leader
Chris Talago 1

“Rooted in more than a decade of award-winning work, Proof Analytics is a transformative software solution that proves the business impact of marketing and communications. Proof has been recognized by industry analysts, customers and business leaders for its innovation and technical excellence. Really well done.”

Chris Talago
AWS director of communications, EMEA and APJ
kelli-parsons_tcm-37316 1
“Proof Analytics combines rapid data integration, advanced pattern recognition, and automated analytics to help business and functional teams know what to invest in, how much to invest, and what the business impact is – even in long-cycle situations. Proof delivers real accountability and transparency while showing very clearly how marketing and communications are jet engines of growth.”  
Kelli Parsons
Global Chair, Corporate Affairs and Advisory, Hill & Knowlton / WPP
Cathy Lanning 1-1
“Today’s challenging market conditions mean that Accountability, Transparency and Proof of Impact have never been more important for marketing teams. Proof MRM on Salesforce is the only marketing resource management tool built natively on Lightning and available through the AppExchange, delivering full-power functionality plus fast set up, all at a price that fits comfortably into today’s budget realities. What’s more, Proof has integrated its award-winning, automated Marketing Mix Modeling analytics into the platform. Proof MRM on Salesforce is the crucial piece for modern marketing teams.”   
Cathy Lanning
Managing Director, Salesforce Industry Business Consulting

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